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I'm sure she's a prodigy....

Posted: Jul 12th, '09, 20:55
by Meghan
....but on days like today, I just have to wonder.

Tonight I had her in the high chair, feeding her carrot puree, along with prune juice in her sippy cup (we're having poopy problems lately.....actually lack of poop is the problem), and Gerber Puffs. After she polished off about half the carrots, I put a bunch of Puffs on her high chair tray. I fed her a few, and then she picked on up on her own. To date, she has not been able to feed herself puffs, because she puts them in her fist and cannot figure out how to get them into her mouth. She repeatedly crams her fist against her mouth in frustration. It's kind of pathetic to watch. But tonight, she actually managed to get one between her thumb and forefinger. I tried to encourage her to put in in her mouth, but she got distracted by the carrots.

So I started feeding her carrots again. After a few bites, she noticed that she was still holding the puff. She brought it to her mouth and I thought, "A milestone! She's feeding herself a puff!" But then she just licked it, and since she still had some carrot puree in her mouth, it got all carrotty and gooey. Puffs dissolve in your mouth, so the gooey puff clenched between her little digits was soon half-dissolved.

"Sydney, put it in your mouth," I said.

She grinned at me.

"Sydney, we don't play with our food. Put it in your mouth."

She grinned again, then carefully smashed the gooey puff against her bib. And there it stayed for the rest of the meal.

I'm sure Einstein started off like this, right? RIGHT????